Patient Documents

Patient Forms and Documents
In order to provide the best possible care, the Spanish Hills Interventional Pain Specialists require that you complete the “New Patient Packet” in its entirety prior to your initial consultation. Please plan to arrive at least 30 minutes early to allow time for completing paperwork. Further paperwork may be required at the time of your visit, or in the future, as information may require updating. To minimize your wait time, the necessary documents can be downloaded below and printed. If a form requires a witness, please wait to sign it until the day of your appointment in the presence of a staff member.
The link below will open a Adobe PDF document in most internet browsers. To download, right click the form and select “Save As,” then save the PDF file to your computer. You can then open the documents, print them, and complete them prior to your consultation.
Initial Consultation
Prior to your initial consultation, please have all pertinent medical records (imaging studies eg. MRI reports, CT Scan Reports, X-ray Reports, referring doctor notes, etc.) sent to the Spanish Hills Interventional Pain Specialists. You can direct your records to our electronic facsimile at 805-512-8539. The physicians require that records be received prior to scheduling an initial consultation. Additional records may be requested if necessary.
New patients are required to present a photo ID and relevant insurance card at the time of the initial consultation.
Contact Us
To schedule an appointment or to find out more information, contact Spanish Hills Interventional Pain Specialists today.
Call: 1-805-484-8558